The product


Proofing the sourdough went OK. I followed The Pantry Mama's instructions, except used a mishmash of whole grain flour, instead of high octane white flour. And I baked it at a reduced temperature from Mama's suggestion of 450F, and used a loaf pan instead of Dutch oven.

It has a nice texture and taste, but I'd be happier if it was less dense.

Things to try next time:

1) let it rise longer before baking. I went for 2 hours. It showed no signs of collapsing.

2) 450 F instead of 400F, or maybe longer than the ~22 minutes it was in the oven. 

Mama thinks sourdough starter should at least double, and ideally triple in volume when it's fed. Mine is nowhere near that responsive. Keep maturing it, I guess.


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