
Showing posts from January, 2024

Moonbow from the comfort of your saggy office chair

 I've been playing with getting the excellent allsky software working. Tonight, it captured the image below. I've tweaked the contrast and saturation a bit, but there's definitely some colour there. It's captured some more nice images since, including a good meteor:

Mysterious debris (deer hair!)

 I came across these tufts of hair while patrolling the yard. They seem rabbity, or non-domestic cat. I did see some rabbit tracks a few days ago, when we still had snow. Whatever they're from, I don't think said beast was having a good time. No signs of bloodshed nearby, though. Update:  I've had a few fellows opine that this is deer hair. A couple are hunters and have personal close-up experience. We had a pretty good windstorm yesterday. This root mass looks freshly lifted. Nice reflection of the dangling bit of ice: I believe this black spruce is freshly fallen. I did hear a big crack when the wind was howling. Life goes on: